

Note: You can find the English version after the Chinese one.

【中文版 Chinese version】

00 引言

1. 三个层次聊测试体系



2. 基础篇概述



  • 理解和澄清业务需求
  • 制定策略并设计测试
  • 实现和执行测试
  • 缺陷管理与分析
  • 质量反馈与风险识别



01 测试基本职责之一:理解和澄清业务需求



1. 理解和澄清业务需求的维度




2. 需求的可测试性


  • 如果需求不可测,也就不可验收,没办法知道项目是否成功完成;
  • 以可测试的方式编写需求,才能确保需求能够正确实现并验证。














02 测试基本职责之二:制定策略并设计测试


1. 一页纸测试策略




  • 指导性原则:团队为质量负责
  • 测什么:测试的内容
  • 怎么测:测试左移、测试右移和精益测试


2. 测试流程与质量门禁





3. 典型测试类型










  • 全面回归:这种就是不分青红皂白,对所有已有功能进行全面的测试,这种策略成本较高,但是覆盖率较全,一般对质量要求特别高的金融类产品采用全面回归的方式较多。
  • 选择性回归:这种一般是测试会跟开发进行沟通,了解当前代码编写可能影响到的范围,选择对这些受影响的功能模块进行回归。这种形式可能漏掉没有意识到但是关联到的功能,有一定的风险,但是较为经济的一种做法。
  • 指标法回归:这种一般是团队对回归测试的覆盖率有要求,比如要覆盖50%的已有功能测试用例,执行回归测试不能低于这个覆盖率。这种光看指标数字的做法是最不推荐的,虽然覆盖率达标了,但是有可能该测的没有测到。
  • 精准回归:精准回归就是当下非常热门的精准测试,这是采用技术的手段将代码改变所影响到的范围跟测试用例关联起来,精准地执行受影响的用例。这种质量最为有保证,但是精准测试实现成本是非常高的。







探索式测试由Cem Kanner博士于1983年提出,是针对脚本化测试而言的。

Cem Kanner对探索式测试的定义如下:







4. 自动化测试分层策略


根据下图谷歌测试定律,我们能够很清晰的看到不同层的测试发现问题之后的修复成本的差异性,单元测试比端到端测试发现的问题修复成本要低得多,因此,通常建议测试分层应该倾向于测试金字塔的模式,也就是下图右侧的样子。Thoughtworks同事Ham Vocke的文章《测试金字塔实战》对此有很详细的介绍。




5. 测试用例





  • 整体完备性,且不过度设计:有效测试用例组成的集合,能够完全覆盖测试需求;同时也不会有用例超出测试需求。
  • 等价类划分的准确性:每个等价类都能保证只要其中一个输入测试通过,其他输入也一定测试通过。
  • 等价类集合的完备性:所有可能的边界值和边界条件都已经正确识别。




  • 数据流法:基于业务流程中的数据流来切分测试场景的方法。考虑业务流程中的数据流,在数据存储或者发生变化的点进行流程的切断,形成多个用例场景。这个在我的文章《说起BDD,你会想到什么》里有介绍。
  • 等价类划分法:把程序所有可能的输入数据划分为若干部分,然后从每个部分中选取少数有代表性的数据作为测试用例。等价类分有效等价类和无效等价类,根据等价类划分方法设计测试用例要注意无冗余和完备性。
  • 边界值法:边界值分析方法是对等价类划分的补充,通常取正好等于、刚刚大于或刚刚小于边界的值作为测试数据,包括对输入输出的边界值进行测试和来自等价类边界的用例。
  • 探索式测试模型法:推荐史亮和高翔两位老师的著作《探索式测试实践之路》,书中将探索式测试按测试对象不同分为系统交互测试、交互特性测试和单个特性测试三个层次,每个层次都分别介绍了不同的探索模型。虽然我不认为探索式测试需要严格按照这些模型来做,但是这些模型是可以帮助测试人员在探索过程中进行思考的,同时也是设计测试用例非常有价值的参考。



03 测试基本职责之三:实现和执行测试



1. 手动测试



关于探索式测试,在《探索式测试实践之路》中有详细介绍基于测程的测试管理(Session Based Test Management,SBTM)方法来执行探索式测试:将测试章程分解成一系列测程,测试人员在测程中完成一个特定测试章程的设计、执行和记录。



2. 自动化测试




  • 满足需求:不同的项目有不同的需求,根据需求来选择,不求最好,只求适合就好。
  • 易于使用:常见的易用性,以及跟写测试的人技能匹配的易用性,都是需要考虑的。同时需要易于上手,如果一款工具对于新人不友好、很难上手的话,就很难动员大家都来积极地使用。
  • 支持的语言:较好的作法是使用与项目开发相同的语言编写自动化脚本,让开发人员能够灵活地添加测试。
  • 兼容性:包括浏览器、平台和操作系统之间的兼容。
  • 报告机制:自动化测试的结果报告至关重要,优先选择能够提高完备的报告机制的工具。
  • 测试脚本易于维护:测试代码跟产品代码一样重要,对测试的维护不可忽视,需要一款易于维护的工具。
  • 工具的稳定性:不稳定性会导致测试有效性降低,首先要保证工具本身的稳定性,不然得不偿失。
  • 代码执行速度:测试代码的执行速度直接影响到测试效率,比如Selenium和Cypress编写的测试代码执行速度就有很大差别。






04 测试基本职责之四:缺陷管理与分析





  1. 发现缺陷:这个比较简单,就是发现跟期望行为不一致的系统行为,或者性能、安全等非功能性问题。缺陷可能是在测试过程中发现,也可能由用户报告,还可以是例行日志分析或日志监控报警等等通过日志来发现。
  2. 定位和信息收集:发现缺陷之后,需要收集相应的缺陷信息并做初步定位。其中,缺陷相关信息要尽可能收集全,包括完整的重现步骤、影响范围、用户、平台、数据、屏幕截图、日志信息等。这一步有的时候可能需要开发或者运维人员帮忙。
  3. 记录缺陷:就是将收集到的日志信息记录在日志管理系统,关联相应的功能模块,并定义严重性。
  4. Triage/排优先级:对于记录的缺陷也不是所有的都要修复,所以要先对缺陷进行分类整理,确定缺陷是否有效、对有效缺陷的优先级排序,并且确定哪些是要修复以及在什么时间修复。这一步可能需要跟业务和开发人员一起来完成。
  5. 修复缺陷:这一步就交给开发人员来完成,对缺陷进行修复。
  6. 测试缺陷修复:对开发修复的缺陷进行验证,确保缺陷本身已经修复,并且需要对相关功能进行适当的回归测试。
  7. 添加相应的自动化测试:对于已经发现的缺陷,最好添加自动化测试,下次如果再发生类似的问题可以通过自动化测试及时地发现。自动化测试可以是单元测试、接口测试或者UI测试,根据实际情况结合自动化测试分层策略来定。这一步可能跟上一步顺序倒过来。
  8. 统计和分析缺陷:对缺陷的数量和严重程度进行统计分析其同比/环比趋势,用鱼骨图和5 Why法等分析缺陷发生的根因,定位缺陷引入的阶段,并且分析之前缺陷预防举措的执行效果等。
  9. 制定改进举措预防缺陷:根据第8步分析的结果,制定相应的可以落地的改进举措,以预防缺陷的发生。
  10. 定期回顾和检查改进情况:结合缺陷的统计分析,定期回顾缺陷管理的系列活动,并检查改进举措的执行情况,以持续优化缺陷管理流程,更好的预防缺陷。



05 测试基本职责之五:质量反馈与风险识别






06 写在最后


【英文版 English Version】

00 Introduction

0.1 Three levels of Systematic Thinking for Testing

Do testing personnel lack systematic thinking?
How to build a quality assurance system for new product teams or projects?

Many of us have come across countless articles or training courses on testing and quality, which are not lacking in testing practices or technical content, but it is difficult to build our own testing system. Based on similar doubts from many friends and my own team practice and consulting experience over the years, I will discuss the construction of systematic thinking for testing at three different levels: basic, intermediate, and advanced.

0.2 Overview of the Basics

I previously wrote an article "Great QA" targeting graduates who want to pursue a career in QA. The article discusses five basic responsibilities of QA:

The Five Responsibilities of Tester/QA

  • Understanding and clarifying business requirements
  • Formulating strategies and designing tests
  • Implementing and executing tests
  • Defect management and analysis
  • Quality feedback and risk identification

Recently, a friend asked me to share what aspects of systematic testing they should pay attention to. I thought of these five basic responsibilities again. In the original article, the five responsibilities were explained based on the demand for producing cups. This article will expand on each responsibility and analyze what testers need to do and how to do it from the perspective of testing practice and methodology.

01 First Basic Responsibility: Understanding and Clarifying Business Requirements

Business requirements are the source of software development, and correctly understanding requirements is crucial. Understanding and clarifying requirements is also an essential part of testing work.

1.1 Dimensions of Understanding and Clarifying Business Requirements

How can testers understand and clarify requirements? I believe testers can understand and clarify business requirements from the following three dimensions:

  • End user
  • Business process
  • Business impact

Dimensions of Clarifying Requirements

Detailed content about these dimensions is introduced in the article "How Agile Testing Optimizes Business Value".

1.2 Testability of Requirements

In addition to understanding business requirements, the quality of requirement description also needs to be taken into account. Testability of requirements is the most important aspect of requirement quality, for the following reasons:

  • If requirements are not testable, they cannot be accepted, and it is impossible to know whether the project has been completed successfully.
  • Writing requirements in a testable manner can ensure that the requirements are correctly implemented and verified.

The testability of requirements is mainly reflected in the following three dimensions:

Testability of Requirements

1. Completeness

The completeness of requirements mainly refers to the need to consider all process paths, require complete logical links, and include both positive and negative scenarios.

For example:

Clear definitions are needed for both successful login using correct username and password and what happens when incorrect username or password is used.

2. Objectivity

Requirement descriptions should not use subjective language, but should be supported with objective data and examples.

For example, the following subjective description is a very poor requirement example:

The system should be easy for experienced engineers to use and should minimize user errors as much as possible.

It is recommended to use the method of "Specification by Example" to write requirement documents, which expresses business rules through examples. This method is not only easy for different roles in the team to understand, but also avoids ambiguity.

3. Independence

Independence mainly refers to individual business functional points (user stories in agile development), which should be as independent as possible, with clear boundaries from other functions, to reduce the untestability caused by dependencies.

For example:

Inputs and outputs should be verifiable in the same functional point, and the input of Function A cannot be verified through the output of Function B.

In agile development, user stories follow the INVEST principle, which separates testability and independence. However, I believe that independence also affects testability and should be considered as a factor in testability.

02 Second Basic Responsibility: Developing Strategies and Designing Tests

Developing strategies and designing tests is the most critical responsibility among the five responsibilities, covering a wide range of content. It may seem like there are two parts, strategy and test design, but in fact, it includes every aspect that needs to be considered for testing. Below are some valuable aspects that I have selected to introduce separately.

2.1 One-page Test Strategy

Strategy is direction, and to do a good job in software testing, guidance from a testing strategy is essential. Testing strategies may be challenging for testers with little experience. However, the "One-page Test Strategy" that I proposed can help testers think and develop testing strategies suitable for their projects. The "One-page Test Strategy" is shown below:

One-page Test Strategy

The "One-page Test Strategy" clearly defines the three parts that need to be considered in a testing strategy:

  • Guiding Principles: The team is responsible for quality.
  • What to Test: The content to be tested.
  • How to Test: Shift Left testing, Shift Right testing, and Lean testing.

For more details, please refer to my article on the "One-page Test Strategy".

2.2 Testing Process and Quality Gate

We often find that some teams have clearly defined testing process, but there are no strict criteria for what each step should achieve, and many quality-related tasks are not done well, resulting in huge pressure on testers in the later stages of testing or low final quality of delivery.

The "One Page Test Strategy" already includes the testing process part, but it is mentioned again here mainly to emphasize the importance of quality gates. The testing process may be different for each project or team, but regardless of the steps included in the testing process, the output of each step must be clearly defined, that is, the quality gates of each step must be defined clearly, as shown in the following figure:

Testing Process and Quality Gates

Note: This figure is for illustration purposes only. The actual situation needs to be adapted according to the team's own situation.

2.3 Typical types of testing

The testing process figure example above lists various types of testing, but there are actually many more types of testing than those shown. Due to length limitations and the fact that this is not the focus of this article, here only introduces four typical types of testing that are closely related to testers. These four types of testing are classified differently, and a detailed explanation is not sought here. For those who are interested but unclear, please search online for more information.

1. Smoke testing

Smoke testing originated from the testing of circuit boards, which involved powering on the board to see if it emitted smoke. If smoke was produced, it meant that the board could not function properly and there was no need to validate other functions.

Smoke testing for circuit boards

In software, smoke testing verifies the basic behavior of the software, such as "Does the program run?", "Does the user interface open?" or "Is the click event effective?" Only when the smoke test passes is it necessary to carry out further validation of the software's functional testing; otherwise, a new version must be repaired before continuing.

We found that some teams only perform smoke testing on new developed features, which is not quite correct, or rather, this test is not called smoke testing. Smoke testing should verify the basic behavior of the entire system, regardless of whether the feature is old or new.

2. Regression testing

The purpose of regression testing is to verify whether the development of new features or bug fixes have affected existing features. Therefore, regression testing mainly focuses on existing features, and testing new features is not called regression testing.

There are usually four strategies for regression testing:

  • Full regression: This means testing all existing features, regardless of their importance. This strategy is costly, but it provides comprehensive coverage, and is often used for financial products with high quality requirements.
  • Selective regression: This involves communication between testing and development teams to understand the areas of code that could potentially impact existing functionality, and selecting those affected feature modules for regression testing. This approach may miss some unanticipated but related features, but is a more economical approach.
  • Index-based regression: This approach usually requires the team to have a coverage requirement for regression testing, such as a mandate to cover 50% of existing feature test cases, and not to fall below this coverage rate. This method solely relying on coverage numbers is the least recommended, as even though coverage targets are met, some features may have been missed.
  • Accurate regression: Accurate regression is a very popular accurate testing method that uses technical means to associate the scope of code changes with test cases and executes affected cases precisely. This method provides the most reliable quality, but the cost of implementing accurate testing is very high.

Regression testing can be done manually or through automation, but the amount of regression testing required is usually large, so automated testing is more efficient.

3. End-to-End Testing

End-to-end testing is classified based on the granularity of test coverage, and is related to unit testing and interface testing.

End-to-end testing verifies the entire software and its integration with external interfaces from start to finish. Its purpose is to test the dependencies and data integrity of the entire software, as well as its communication with other systems, interfaces, and databases, in order to simulate complete business processes. Therefore, end-to-end testing is the most valuable type of testing as it reflects users' real business behavior.

However, because end-to-end testing involves various related components of the system and external dependencies, its stability and execution costs are relatively high. Therefore, there are interface testing and unit testing with smaller coverage ranges. These tests are usually implemented by isolating dependencies and will not be discussed in detail here.

4. Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing was proposed by Dr. Cem Kaner in 1983 and is in contrast to scripted testing.

Dr. Cem Kaner defined exploratory testing as follows:

"Exploratory testing is a style of software testing that emphasizes the personal freedom and responsibility of the individual tester to continually optimize the quality of his/her work by treating test-related learning, test design, test execution, and test result interpretation as mutually supportive activities that run in parallel throughout the project."

The core of exploratory testing is to iterate quickly by treating test-related learning, test design, test execution, and test result interpretation as a cycle in order to continuously collect feedback, adjust testing, and optimize value.

Core of exploratory testing

Exploratory testing particularly requires testers to have subjective initiative and to work in an environment that encourages test innovation. If the requirements for testing metrics are too high and the testers' subjective initiative cannot be fully utilized, the effectiveness of exploratory testing is limited.

Exploratory testing is a relatively free testing style that should not be restricted by various testing models, and its execution method should not be strictly defined, as this would affect its effectiveness.

For more information on exploratory testing, please refer to the article "Exploratory Testing Practice" by my colleague Liu Ran at Thoughtworks and the article "Exploratory Testing in Agile Projects" by Shi Xiangyang.

2.4 Automated Testing Layered Strategy

When introducing end-to-end testing earlier, different coverage ranges of tests were mentioned, including unit testing and interface testing. The layered strategy for automated testing is to stratify these different granularities of test types and suggest that automated testing should consider the coverage ratio of different layers based on factors such as cost and stability.

According to Google's testing law shown in the figure below, we can clearly see the differences in the repair costs after different layers of tests discover problems. The repair cost of problems found by unit testing is much lower than that of end-to-end testing. Therefore, it is generally recommended that testing stratification should tend to the pattern of the Testing Pyramid, as shown on the right side of the figure below. Ham Vocke, a colleague at Thoughtworks, provides a detailed introduction to this in his article "The Practical Test Pyramid".

Automated Testing Layered Strategy

It is worth noting that the Testing Pyramid is not a silver bullet and the testing strategy is not fixed. It needs to be adjusted and evolved periodically according to the actual situation to meet the current product/project quality objectives.

For more information about automated testing layering, you can also refer to the following articles:

2.5 Test Cases

Designing test cases is a basic skill that every tester must have. The quality of test cases directly affects the effectiveness of testing, and the importance of test cases is self-evident. However, designing good test cases is not a simple task. Here, test cases are not distinguished between manual cases and automated cases.

1. Good Test Cases

First of all, it is necessary to understand what kind of test cases are considered good.

Good test cases should be able to completely cover the tested software system and be able to detect all issues. Therefore, good test cases should have the following characteristics:

  • Overall completeness without excessive design: A set of effective test cases that can completely cover the testing requirements without exceeding them.
  • Accuracy of equivalence partitioning: Each equivalence class can guarantee that if one of the inputs passes the test, the other inputs will also pass the test.
  • Completeness of equivalence class collection: All possible boundary values and boundary conditions have been correctly identified.

Of course, due to the complexity of the software system, not all test cases can achieve 100% coverage, but can only achieve as much completeness as possible.

2. Test Case Design Method

To strive for complete test cases, it is necessary to understand the corresponding test case design methods. Test cases should be designed by considering both business requirements and system characteristics. The following test case design methods are commonly recommended:

  • Data flow method: A method of dividing test scenarios based on data flow in the business process. Consider the data flow in the business process, cut off the process at the point where data is stored or changes, and form multiple scenario cases. This is described in my article "What Do You Think of When We Talk About BDD?".
  • Equivalence partitioning method: Divide all possible input data of the program into several parts and select a few representative data from each part as test cases. Equivalence classes are divided into valid and invalid equivalence classes, and designing test cases based on equivalence partitioning method requires attention to non-redundancy and completeness.
  • Boundary value method: The boundary value analysis method is a supplement to the equivalence partitioning method. Typically, test data that is just equal to, just greater than, or just less than the boundary is taken, including testing input-output boundary values and cases from equivalence class boundaries.
  • Exploratory testing model: Recommended books by SHI Liang and Gao Xiang, "The Road to Exploratory Testing Practice", classify exploratory testing into system interaction testing, interaction feature testing, and single feature testing at different levels, and introduce different exploratory models for each level. Although I do not believe that exploratory testing needs to strictly follow these models, they can help testers think during the exploration process and are also valuable references for designing test cases.

Exploratory Testing Model

For test case design, the following articles can also be referenced:

03 Third Basic Responsibility: Implementation and Execution of Tests

The third basic responsibility of testing is the implementation and execution of tests.

Implementation and execution of tests means carrying out the corresponding test activities based on the testing strategy and the designed tests. This part is relatively simple and can be briefly introduced from two dimensions: manual testing and automated testing.

3.1 Manual Testing

Manual testing, as the name suggests, is testing that is done manually. Depending on whether there are pre-designed test cases (scripts), it can be divided into scripted testing and exploratory testing.

The execution of scripted testing is relatively simple with mature test cases. However, some tests may require complex preparation work, such as preparing test data through a long chain, or making the system reach the state of triggering the test. In addition, it may be necessary to consider the configuration adjustments corresponding to different environments, as well as the preparation and management of the environment. These are the contents that the tester may need to be involved in for manual testing.

Regarding exploratory testing, the book "Exploratory Testing: A Practical Guide" introduces the Session-Based Test Management (SBTM) method based on test levels to carry out exploratory testing. Testers decompose the testing charter into a series of test levels, and complete the design, execution, and recording of a specific testing charter in the test level.

Similarly, this method has certain guiding significance for exploratory testing, but it is not recommended to strictly follow this mode of execution, otherwise it will destroy the essence of exploratory testing and not achieve the corresponding effect.

Session-Based Test Management (SBTM)

3.2 Automated Testing

The previous section introduced the layering strategy of automated testing, and here we will focus on the implementation and execution of automated testing.

1. Tool Selection

The implementation of automated testing relies on automated testing tools, so the selection of tools is critical. Generally, the following factors need to be considered when selecting tools:

  • Meeting requirements: Different projects have different requirements, and the selection should be based on the requirements. We should aim for suitability rather than the best tool.
  • Easy to use: Usability is important, as well as matching the skills of the testers. It is also important that the tool is easy to get started with. If a tool is not user-friendly and difficult to get started with, it will be hard to motivate everyone to use it actively.
  • Language support: The best practice is to use the same language as the project development to write automation scripts, which enables developers to flexibly add tests.
  • Compatibility: Including compatibility between browsers, platforms, and operating systems.
  • Reporting mechanism: The result report of automated testing is crucial, so it is preferred to select a tool with a comprehensive reporting mechanism.
  • Easy maintenance of test scripts: Test code is as important as product code, and the maintenance of tests cannot be neglected. We need a tool that is easy to maintain.
  • Tool stability: Instability can reduce the effectiveness of testing, so the stability of the tool itself should be ensured, otherwise, the gains may not outweigh the losses.
  • Code execution speed: The execution speed of test code directly affects the efficiency of testing. For example, there is a big difference in the execution speed of test code written with Selenium and Cypress.
2. Test Implementation

Articles on automated testing can be found everywhere. Here, we emphasize not to hard code test data in the test scripts. Data should be independent and driven to improve the reusability of the test code.

3. Execution of Automated Testing

Do you think that after implementing automated testing, the execution is as simple as running the tests? Not really. The execution of testing also requires certain strategies, such as setting different execution frequencies for different tests, integrating automated testing with pipelines to achieve continuous testing and feedback, and maximizing the value of automated testing.

Regarding automated testing, we recommend reading the following articles:

04 Fourth Basic Responsibility: Defect Management and Analysis

The fourth basic responsibility of testing is defect management and analysis.

Defects are very valuable for software quality and software testing, and good defect management and analysis can bring great value, but it is often overlooked.

A crucial part of defect management is understanding the defect's life cycle. People often think that defects only need to be discovered, fixed, and verified, but there are more steps to the life cycle than these. I believe that the defect life cycle should include the following stages:

Software defect life cycle

  1. Defect discovery: This is relatively simple, it means discovering system behavior that is inconsistent with expected behavior, or non-functional problems such as performance and security issues. Defects may be discovered during testing, reported by users, or discovered through routine log analysis or log monitoring alerts.
  2. Information collection and defect diagnosis: After a defect is discovered, relevant defect information needs to be collected and preliminary diagnosis performed. The relevant defect information should be collected as completely as possible, including complete reproduction steps, scope of impact, users, platforms, data, screenshots, log information, etc. Sometimes, development or operations personnel may need to help with this step.
  3. Defect recording: The collected log information is recorded in the log management system, associated with the corresponding functional module, and severity is defined.
  4. Triage/prioritization: Not all recorded defects need to be fixed, so defects need to be classified and sorted by priority to determine whether they are valid, which are to be fixed, and when to fix them. This step may need to be done with business and developer.
  5. Defect fixing: This step is completed by the developer, fixing the defect.
  6. Defect verification: Verify that the defect has been fixed by the developer and perform appropriate regression testing of the related functionality.
  7. Add corresponding automated testing: For defects that have already been discovered, it is best to add automated testing to detect similar problems in a timely manner. Automated testing can be unit testing, interface testing, or UI testing, depending on the actual situation and the layered automation testing strategy. This step may be reversed in order with the previous step.
  8. Defect statistics and analysis: Statistical analysis of the number and severity of defects, their year-on-year or month-on-month trends, analysis of the root causes of defects using fishbone diagrams and 5-Why method, identification of the stage where defects are introduced, and analysis of the effectiveness of previous defect prevention measures.
  9. Develop improvement measures to prevent defects: Based on the results of step 8, develop corresponding, feasible improvement measures to prevent defects from occurring.
  10. Regularly review and check the improvement status: Based on the statistical analysis of defects, regularly review the series of activities in defect management, check the implementation of improvement measures, continuously optimize the defect management process, and better prevent defects.

Regarding defect management and analysis, I have previously written relevant articles. Friends are welcome to read them:

Defect Analysis

05 Fifth Basic Responsibility: Quality Feedback and Risk Identification

The fifth basic responsibility of testing is quality feedback and risk identification.

Testing needs to have a clear understanding of the product's quality status, be able to identify quality risks in a timely manner, and provide feedback to the entire team.

In addition to defect information, there may be many other quality-related data, which can be collected and statistically analyzed. Visualizing this data and presenting it to the team will help team members in different roles better take responsibility for quality. It is also necessary to identify quality risks during the statistical analysis of quality data and provide feedback to the team.

Quality status information may include test coverage, defect-related data, code freeze period length, test waiting time, and other content. Specific information that needs to be collected should be customized according to the actual quality requirements of the project.

It is recommended to conduct periodic quality feedback. tester should lead the definition of the data that needs to be collected, and developer should work with tester to collect relevant data. developer may also need to participate in the subsequent analysis process.

06 Conclusion

This article is the foundation of building a systematic thinking for testing. It mainly starts from the basic responsibilities of testing, introduces related methods, tools, and practices, and is suitable for junior tester. Of course, for intermediate and senior tester, they can also check whether they have fulfilled these basic responsibilities in their own testing system.

Finally, you can follow my self-published book "Beyond Testing (in Chinese)", which introduces content that tester or QA need to pay attention to beyond the basic responsibilities of testing.



6 个评论

  1. 通告:测试类型 - 与ChatGPT pair完成的测试类型清单 - BY林子

  2. 通告:QA的关注点 - 一颗石榴给QA带来的启示 - BY林子

  3. 通告:组织级测试体系 - 构建测试的体系化思维(高级篇) - BY林子

  4. 通告:文章是“自己的”好 - BY林子

  5. 通告:构建测试的体系化思维(进阶篇) - BY林子 - 质量 - 质量内建

  6. 通告:Navid的质量框架 Navid's Quality Pillars - BY林子 团队质量改进助手


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